The Museum of the Casa de Juárez

The museum is lodged in a colonial house on 609 García Vigil (in front of the Church of Carmen Alta), which belonged to Señor Antonio Salanueva. It is presently known as the Casa de Juarez because Salanueva took Benito Juárez (one of Mexico's most important presidents) in when he first arrived from Guelatao in 1818.

The modest colonial building was remodeled and transformed into a historical museum, which opened on 28 December 1974. The rooms contain everyday nineteenth-century objects and furniture and an encuadernación (bookbinding) shop that contains presses and bookbinding tools. There are some documents on exhibit from the War of Independence, the Reformation, and the French Intervention. Some of Benito Juárez's personal belongings are displayed.

The Museum of the Casa de Juárez

How To Get
The museum is located in front of the main entrance of the Iglesia del Carmen Alto.

Open: The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Contact: Calle de Manuel García Vigil 609, Centro, 68000 Oaxaca, Oax. Tel:(951)516 1860

Location map

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